· 2 min read
Making content is tough, dedication has a price
As an independent maker it is very tough to keep up with all the things you know you need to do for keeping momentum in the right direction.
As an independent maker, it is very tough to keep up with everything you know you need to do to keep momentum in the right direction.
Think about it: here are just a few things I must do every time I publish something, be it a blog post, podcast, video, or photograph.
There is no such workable thing as ‘partial networking’.
Upload the content and make it presentable.
Prepare social media posts, which can sometimes take days, depending on the volume of networks you post to.
Schedule reposting to social media because I know posting once is almost pointless.
Maybe I also need to upload to a stock library or distribution site. So that means more metadata that needs creating, like thumbnails and descriptions.
Maybe I need to research a little about the popular phrases used on a particular topic and add those.
Make sure everything looks exactly as I want it on a site.
Reach out to anyone I might have mentioned in the content.
Some of you might be thinking, “Well, that doesn’t sound like much,” or maybe, “You don’t have to do all of that”.
Firstly, it takes a while to get it right, it can often span over several days when you are also working a full time day job.
Secondly, sure, you don’t have to do it all, but don’t you want to try and reach as many of the people you intended the content for? There is no such workable thing as ‘partial networking.’
So, when do you stop and either admit or consider needing extra help? The alternative is to slow down production/release cycles, which is certainly an option unless you are working on time-related content like a conference or a new release.
I have heard people say they use virtual assistants, and if you have the money, that is a good option once you get a good workflow running with the person in question. But for many of us, our content is a sideline that gets attention once the day job is done, and we find those late-night hours between spending time with family.
In short, it probably does not generate enough money to cover the required investment. We don’t all make it big and famous. Some of us love making things with the hope they at least break even financially so we can improve and invest over time.