· 3 min read
Project Updates - How my week went
It was a week of project updates. That's the short version. But there are so many details.
It was a week of project updates. That’s the short version. The more accurate version is a lot of planning and reflection on the future direction of projects. It is probably easier to take on each project and report.
Endless Hurdles iOS game
On a recent livestream, I created my project timeline for the remainder of the year. This includes two specific updates for Halloween and Christmas. The apparent suggestion is that there are themes for the seasons.
But I have also started thinking about how to tackle the next evolution of features, these include.
- New modes and challenges
- An achievement system
- Collecting and using rewards to help you along the journey
Project Hack cross-platform mobile game
I have not written or released much on this project lately. You would be forgiven for wondering what, if anything, is happening with it.
The game is very much alive. But I’m taking it slow as I build the full version with cloud and multiplayer support. I want to try my best to plan this from day one so I can build on it over time.
So, I’ve slowed the development cycle down to look at the architecture as I build it. I am questioning every decision and putting each part under a microscope to challenge if it feels right and expandable.
Job Finder Tracker iOS application
I am continuing to work and refine how the reminder notification works. This is a more significant challenge than you might think since the notification has to be registered with the system and stored in the persistent data. Podcasts
There is no denying that some podcast shows are working and resonating with folks, and others are not. This may be my lack of ability and skill to publicize and market them, but it is what it is.
I am looking at options to keep them all going but somehow rework them to a system I can better manage regarding creation and content.
The most obvious was to combine them. But, that runs the risk of alienating listeners only interested in specific topics. I may be overthinking this and need more time to write ideas.
By far, the most popular is my Compile Swift show, which does not surprise me given that the topic is a passion and my day job. So, it comes as no shock that mobile application development is probably what I am best known for.
Live Streaming
This is the hardest one for me when I review it. I do enjoy streaming and interacting with the audience. The problem becomes one of time. When I drive home from the day job (yes, I’m one of those back-to-the-office folks) and have battled the 100+ Texas heat, I often find I’m just not in a mental space to want to stream.
Combine that with an average of 2-3 hours of streaming per session. It’s way into the early hours of the next day before I’m getting to bed, ready to start the next day.
So that was my week, how did you do?