· 2 min read
2025 Bad start, and the best start
As you can tell, I'm late to the first post of 2025. It's been quite a beginning to the year, but I plan for it to be better.
I am way behind on my first post for 2025, so this is a big catch up and a slap on the wrist for not getting several posts out already.
Let’s do updates per topic to keep things organized
Endless Hurdles
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Huge news on this one, I have released the Android version and rebuilt the iOS version (releasing soon) with Godot 4. This will enable me to work on faster updates and features compared to Apple’s SpriteKit.
The character movement feels more natural and events are on the way, they are currently in development.
I have started a new series on my PW Podcast that has been well received for the first two episodes. The series focuses on how to go about planning and creating an application. The platform does not matter, the advice and suggestions apply to all.
People often do the wrong thing which is to dive straight in and start coding or designing. The episodes focus on a more structured approach which pays off as you get further into development by answering potential road blocks before they arrive.
Compile Swift Podcast
We started the year with an episode discussing our plans for this year and we have guest appearances from the Discord members who share their plans. Listen here
Live streaming
I was really hoping to get more streams in over the holiday period and into January. Sadly that has not been the case for a few reasons including weather, work, and health.
That said, I recently did a stream where I started my first dive into creating an AI app for a client, and it went better than I expected given my lack of knowledge. Link for the replay here