Digital House Keeping and Planning Ahead

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(note: you might be interested in a recent post where I talked about removing over 118 old posts. Click here)

In the later part of every year, I like to regroup my workflows and online presence. This gives me a chance to reflect upon any changes that I think are needed or may make things better for the following year.

A few thoughts have been crossing my brain, and this is my little checklist of ideas to complete. I am sharing them in the hope that they might provide you with a way to approach doing the same. It is all too easy to forget all the things we did throughout the year that may need to be revised.

Dedicated Content and General Posting

This, I admit, is a convenient move on my part. Firstly, it reduces the amount of domain management I have to do. There are times that it gets easy to lose track of what content goes where and the thought, ‘Did I post that?'

Having my non-dedicated sites in one location will help. I tend to think of my general posts as long-form tweets. While things like my Swift content are better served being wrapped under my CompileSwift site, that does not mean you won’t find them mentioned here, but it does give one solid home for those only interested in that stuff.

Pick and choose the suitable projects for next year.

Like many of us, I’m sure I have a lot of projects in many different states. While I am happy that I’m managing them correctly thanks to the workflows I have put together over time, I do feel that a couple should move to the ‘someday maybe’ list rather than occupying time on my creative calendar right now.

Do more Podcasting

If there is one thing I have embraced this year and discovered a genuine love for, it’s creating Podcasts.

I am most certainly not the best writer, and I find that I can spin my thoughts and discussion topics into Podcast episodes a lot quicker and a lot more precisely than I can when I struggle through writing some down.

I have no intention of slowing the blogging, but I will choose the best medium for the topic.

For example, I have been overwhelmed by the success of my CompileSwift Podcast, which talks about Apple’s Swift programming language. It started as an idea and then gained more traction than I expected in such a short time.

I love making the Geezers Who Game and Code Podcast with my good friend Newms. Being a hugely long-time game player, it is incredibly entertaining to sit and discuss it with another avid gamer.

Make More Videos and Tutorials

Making video tutorials is another passion of mine. I love to share what I learn as a way to give back to communities that have helped my career grow to what it is today.

I have a game plan to make videos on a more consistent basis and get them out there. This year, I learned that creating a series, or almost a mini-course, has proven popular with viewers.

Return to a Passion that Started It All

There is one thing that I have neglected this year. My photography has suffered dramatically this year due to time constraints and bad planning.

I have been a die-hard photographer, both amateur and professional, since my teenage years (yeah, we used film and liquids back then). This year, I think I have taken fewer photographs than any other year, and there is no excuse.

I aim to return to this passion and rededicate myself to creating new works and re-entering the communities in which I was such an active participant.

If you are interested, you can find my Photography at

So this is my initial thoughts for the next few months of planning. Fingers crossed!