You Are Not Other People’s Reminder List

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Increasingly, as I focus on observing my habits and cutting out the slack, I notice other people's bad habits.

You know them—the ones who ask you to keep emailing, reminding, or texting until they finally address the conversation you wanted to have.

It would be best if you did not have to be responsible for other people's lack of ability to self-manage or capture tasks, so stop doing it for them. As long as you keep doing it, they will, like any dependent, keep asking you to do it.

Practice tough love and take back your time by making them deal with their lack of ability to manage themselves or find a system that works for them.

Why you need to promote yourself as a developer

It has been documented that developers, once distracted, take 30 minutes to get back their focus from where they left off. This alone should be a good reason for a company to realize the importance of letting the brain trust do what they do best.

Unless you are a personal assistant, then that's your job, and you are stuck with it 🙂