The Life Creative is now A Creators Journey

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Season 7 Episode 8

Yep, you read that right. After much consideration, I have decided on a new name for The Life Creative podcast.

I feel A Creators Journey better compliments the direction the content has taken and where my head is at.

I'm going to talk about that a little bit here. Before we go any further, the content is not going to change. Don't don't worry. This is not a radical change in direction of the podcast or anything like that.

Now you've heard me say, I wanted to look at this podcast and change the name because I felt that The live creative is a project very near and dear to my heart, but I felt that the name wasn't accurate for where the content has gone, where my thought process is these days compared to when I started it many years ago.

I realized that all of this is a journey. It's a journey we take together. It is a journey that I take every time I sit down and do one of these podcasts or any of my other projects. And therefore I thought, yes, this is what it's all about. It is about the journey. And hopefully, it is something listeners can relate to.

So it's all of us together and the journey that we take as we create our visions. It's all about that journey of discovery, not only discovery of ourselves but our pursuits.

This is almost an audio journal for me, that I share with you. My hope as always is that this resonates with you in some way.

I just wanted to put this episode out there to explain the new name. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. I'd love to hear if you think I'm completely missing the mark or the other name was better. You know, whatever it may be. Let me know, please, please let me know.

Maybe you've gone through a similar process. If you have, how has that worked out for you? That is something I would be interested in hearing about. Maybe we can talk about that. Maybe you want to share that with me, maybe you want to share it with the listeners of this podcast.

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