Podcast – To Blog or Not to Blog?

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Season 7 Episode 15

Welcome to another episode of A Creator's Journey.

In this episode, I'm pondering the question to blog or not to blog. The reason this came up, is I was having a conversation with someone over the past week, and we were talking about how long it takes us to create content. In particular, blog posts.

My thoughts are it's still worth doing. Their thoughts are it's not really the level of effort anymore because statistics quite accurately show that people don't pay attention to long-form content and favor social networks.

It's fair to say a lot of people thanks to social networks only read short-form content now like Tweets and video shorts.

Nobody wants to dive into the details, everything is a quick blast and move on to the next. We're all responsible for making that happen because we let it happen. We adopted these platforms that let you quick clips. That does have a negative impact on long-form content.

I think long-form content is still a thing. I think blogging is still a thing. Yes right now to a lesser degree, you have a smaller audience, but over time, I think we'll see this reverse.

Don't look at it and say, nobody reads it anymore. What's the point of me spending time on it. Yeah. It does take time, I know only too well, myself, writing on PeterWitham.com and CompileSwift.com.

I also know the long-term benefit. The content that I put out is going to be indexed, it's going to be searchable. It's going to exist in the future. If the wave of short-form content changes back to this longer form. My content's out there ready and waiting to be consumed and for people to read it and offer opinions and comments.

I think you should still use the short-form content on Social Networks. But, use it as a vehicle to get people's attention and bring them back to the better, deeper content.

If you have thoughts on this, I would love to hear them. You can use the comments below or go to the contact page and reach out to me.

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