CompileSwift Podcast – Users care about the experience, not technology

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Season 3 Episode 11

OK, that is mostly true in my opinion. If your user base is technical people, they will probably care about the technology. So let’s get that out the way and move on.

But my statement stands for most apps and services users will encounter and take advantage of.

This is something that we as makers of things need to understand and make our primary perspective when we are evaluating decisions and communicating them back to the outside world.

One offers something to the user as a benefit and the other as saying look how awesome I am, reward me.

A user is not going to care if the app they are using is built with Swift, Objective-C, Android, React-Native, or any other language. They are not going to care if it uses storyboards or SwiftUI.

A user is not going to care if the Web service is written with Ruby, JavaScript, React, or .net.

They only care about their experience using these things and how well it gets them moving on to the next thing they care about.

For example, if you release a new version of something and charge for it when the only thing you justify it with is “totally re-written in Swift”, don’t be surprised if nobody cares or upgrades figures are low. I am not going to reward you for something I did not ask for in the product.

If you said something like, “totally re-written to improve performance and reliability” I might consider it. Which is not the same as “I rewrote it because I wanted to”.

Do you see the difference? One offers something to the user as a benefit and the other as saying look how awesome I am, reward me.

I get that we love to show how we are advancing our skills and use of new technologies, but save that for our developer friends when talking to them. For users, make it all about what they get out of it and pay attention to their needs, not our desires.

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