Uncomfortable marketing and converting users in a polite way

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PW Podcast

I want to discuss something I usually avoid: Things like pop-ups and floating bars can be irritating, but they work for converting users.

Many websites use them for a reason. I've hesitated to implement them because I find them annoying, and I'm sure most people do, too.

Plus, many web browsers block these elements by default. However, I've realized that they can be a necessary evil. If you want users to take specific actions on your website, like following a podcast or signing up for a mailing list, you must find ways to encourage them without being intrusive or spammy.

It's essential to respect the user's experience and not block them from accessing the content they came for.

For example, instead of using full-screen pop-ups, I'm considering using a small floating bar in the corner that suggests checking out the podcast or supporting it by buying me a coffee.

I believe this approach is more polite and targeted. Rest assured, this is not about invading your privacy or tracking your activities. It's based on the specific URL you visit. You can easily ignore it if you prefer.

It won't affect your browsing experience or access to content. I will experiment with this approach for Apple platform software development posts and podcasts, seeing how it goes and gathering data to evaluate its effectiveness.

I'm using OptinMonster for the technical implementation, and so far, I'm impressed with their website and the initial experiments I've conducted. I'm currently on the free plan, but I might consider upgrading if it is worthwhile.

Other similar tools are available, and I'm not endorsing this one as the best option. I'm simply utilizing the one I already have. I'll update you on the results and share any insights I gain.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this topic. If you'd like to join and discuss the podcast, I'd love to have that conversation. Just use the contact form, mentioning that you heard about it on the Creator's Journey podcast.

I'm open to discussing whether you believe being more aggressive is acceptable or if you think this approach is terrible. These areas make me uncomfortable, but I'm pushing myself to become more comfortable with them to achieve my goals.

I'll talk in the future about calls to action and everything else. I know they work. Of course, they work. Otherwise, all these websites wouldn't be doing it.

I have an older episode that discusses setting realistic goals. Find it here.

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