My creative struggle with phone vs actual cameras

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Season 8 Episode 10

Phone cameras are amazing, the quality of the images and always having a camera to hand is wonderful. But, they do not allow me to be at my most creative when I want to create a piece of art rather than a straight photograph.

What's the difference?

OK, you can edit images with phone software, that is true. There are amazing images out there by very talented people.

For me, as an old school photographer from the original film days, I am at my most creative with a camera in my hand or on a tripod and everything set to manual.

This enables me to get as close to my vision as possible right there in the camera, this is something I rarely get from a phone camera and accompanying software. I prefer to get as much in camera as I can rather than just say “I'll do it in post”.

More thoughts and considerations like this, in this episode of A Creators Journey.

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