Podcast – Perpetual beta life

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Season 4 Episode 23

No matter how hard you try, as developers, we always seem to be in a perpetual state of beta for something. Maybe an OS, maybe a software tool.

This year has been particularly hard for Apple developers with the staggered iOS, iPadOS, and macOS releases.

We have iOS and watchOS, for example, that had their official big releases earlier than iPad and Mac.

I am all for this approach because it means we hopefully get a more solid release rather than pushing to meet a rollout deadline all at once. It presents a problem for remembering what device is in what state.

Combine that with Xcode 14 trying to keep up with release compatibility and overlapping beta and finals, and things can get complicated fast with those 7Gb downloads.

This, plus some other thoughts in this episode of the Compile Swift Podcast.

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