Too much research is bad

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Season7 Episode 3

Is there such a thing as too much research? I'm starting to think there is. I'm the first to always say, go and do your homework, explore things, research things. Educate yourself, whatever the topic may be, whether you're looking to make something, do something, go somewhere, buy something whatever it is, do your homework, do your research.

But there's a fine line between doing just enough. And doing too much. And I think that once you do too much research, That's when your problems begin. Eventually, you will reach a point where you will start to make both sides of the argument for yourself and reach a conclusion and then start to talk yourself out of it because the more research you do, you will generate counter-arguments for both sides.

This can be a bad thing because now you're in a state where you've locked yourself into this cycle and you truly don't know what to do, or you don't know which one to go with, which one is right. And probably eventually you end up saying, oh, forget it. I'm just not going to do anything.

Sometimes that may be the right thing, but probably most of the time it isn't. So my advice to you is to try to figure out where that line is and do just enough research. Now. Yes, that may mean that you've not done enough and you make a mistake, okay. As I've always said before, if that still results in you actually taking action and doing something, then it's a good thing.

Too much research will eventually mean you won't do anything at all. And you either won't ship won't complete or abandoned the project. I think that finding that line and sometimes saying to yourself, I think I've done enough research to draw my conclusion and go with it and saying to yourself, I may be wrong, but I'm going to do it anyway because I may also be right.

And I think that's the way you got to look at these things. So there's just a little tip for you to think. I was thinking about this earlier today, as I was researching some problems and realized that I had moved into an area of obsession, trying to solve a problem that actually really didn't matter that much. And I should just move on.

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