Is it time to pay for good quality social networks?

Season 7 Episode 1

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Season 7 Episode 1

Can you believe it's 2022 already? It's absolutely incredible.

When I was a kid thinking back, I used to think about maybe the year 2000. I don't ever think I was thinking about 2022 and what that would look like. Certainly not the situations we've been dealing with over the last couple of years.

I Just wanted to put that out there. So a happy new year to those of you that celebrate.

I want to kick this one off by sharing with you some thoughts that came to me over my vacation break. What struck me as I was thinking about networks, as in social networks. This is how many networks started with a big grand idea to be something different.

There were some paid professional networks that did not work out so great, which was unfortunate. And then there are a lot of free ones. Then it struck me, that is part of the problem.

Anybody and everybody signs up and just starts dumping stuff on there. It's just another outlet to put things, promote things, spam things.

I think there needs to be some kind of process that says we don't think this is the best network for this kind of content or something like that.

As opposed to just letting everybody in. I think letting everybody in is the problem and I get that that's going to be controversial, but Hey, I'll bring up the conversation because I feel it needs to be had. There's more than enough, just places to dump everything on the internet and hang out.

It's an opening thought for the year as I am deciding which networks I want to stay a part of and the ones that I'm going to let fall by the wayside.

This became part of my vetting process for the ones that I intend to use and think of worthy to me. And maybe that's something you want to think about as well?
I'm not going to chase and put my content out there on everything.

Okay, I can automate it and do that, but it's not worth it if I'm not attracting the right kind of folks, what's the point.

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