Very Early Preview – My Next Game

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Screen Shot of build 3

This is only 10 hours into development, most of which was learning a new way to do scripting in Unity visually. But here's the first screenshot of my new game I have started over many times for about a year now.

Post 2 can be found here

By putting this out so early I'm making myself accountable, in case you are wondering. This is something I have started recommending to everybody.

Trust me, any idea you have is not Earth-shattering enough that it should be kept behind closed windows until it's done for fear of someone stealing it.

I'm doing something different from my usual choice of platforms, since I want to make this available to more than just Android or iOS I'm using Unity for cross-platform development without the pain of multiple codebase support.

I'm not even going to tell you how this game is going to work or what the big picture is, that will come over time. But if you know me, you know I love idle games that require you to do things over time.

Why not natively build on iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows? Well, that's the answer right there, I do not want to have to build it on each platform, that will take far too long and I'm never going to be able to support all those platforms by myself as the game progresses.

Unity is a great tool for my needs, I am not some guru at it, but I have released a game before using the platform and I know enough about it right now to get where I need to be. The rest I will learn over time, and I plan to share it with you.

That's right, I plan to share as much as I can just like I always do so that others can hopefully be inspired and learn to create their dreams just like I am.