Podcast – Freedom to express via personal projects

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Season 7 Episode 13

Let's start with my definition of a personal project. A personal project is something that may or may not go out to the public one day, but mostly it exists because I want it to.

Maybe I'm making it just for fun, or maybe I want to learn something new or understand how it's made. To me, that's a personal project.

One of the keywords there is fun, knowing that I have the freedom to do it anyway I want and to have anything in there. I have the freedom to express whatever it is that I'm looking to express in that project. And I don't have to worry about other people's opinions on it.

I know that I will be far more invested in the long term in those projects because I'm the one driving them and deciding their fate.

I am free to change direction, rebuild it, or even kill it if I choose. These are all things that make personal projects so important for me.

In this episode, I dive into an example with my first ever attempt at a 3D game.

How do you view personal projects? What approaches and viewpoints do you take? Do plan them or just let them flow?

I'd love to hear from you. Let me know.

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