Indie survival game development update 4

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My latest indie game update focused on improving interaction with objects and creating the basic inventory system.

Inventory system screen capture with one item.
Inventory system with one item

This required some research and I want to give credit to which has a great course on setting up a basic inventory management system. I adapted this to my needs and will expand upon it going forward.

I changed the item system so that you no longer pick something up as you walk over it, you now have to point at it and click to pick it up and add it to your inventory. This is a much better approach going forward.

As I start to think about collecting and crafting this will make things a lot easier to work with.

This brings me to something else I am thinking about, as this basic engine matures the sandbox is becoming less necessary and I need to start considering an actual map to allow for exploration and careful management of resources like oxygen.

As the screenshot says “Oxygen keeps you alive”, it's rather important and you can only carry so much. Time to start thinking about how you might build a nice safe base with its own environmental system.