Trying Something New, Live Streaming

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This week I truly stepped out of my comfort zone and decided to take on something new. Live streaming is very popular, you mostly find it on YouTube and Twitch. A lot of the time it is people playing computer games, but there is also a growing trend of artists and programmers streaming as they create. This caught my attention and I decided I wanted to explore it further.

So after a lot of reading and research, this week I started testing different setups to find the one that worked for me, given that I'm new at this, it's probably not the best out there. But I do strive to do the best I can with everything I work on, so over time I am sure it will improve.

I will share more on this streaming idea as it comes together, but for now, I have tested streaming some game playing and that seemed to go well. Now to set up my programming and podcast creation to stream while I work on them.

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