Source Code Location? And End of Year Job Hunting

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Compile Swift

In this episode of the Compile Swift podcast, I discuss two important topics that every developer should consider: where they keep source code and end of year job hunting.

Topic 1: Where Do You Keep Your Source Code? Local/Remote/Both?

I emphasize the importance of practicing source control and remote repositories.

The advantages of keeping a remote copy of your code, especially in the face of natural disasters or hardware failures. Never solely rely on local copies and I encourage developers to consider remote storage as a backup and a safety plan.

Topic 2: Listener question – Finding a new job at the end of the year?

I was asked how to go about finding a new job this late in the year.

Many companies have exhausted their budgets and are focused on wrapping up projects. However, I suggest using that as an opportunity to prepare for the upcoming year.

I recommend updating resumes, working on personal projects, contributing to open source, and dedicating time to learning new skills. I also discuss the importance of showcasing source code to potential employers, as it provides a more accurate representation of a developer's abilities than a resume.

Let's start the conversation and make 2023 a year of growth and success for every developer.

Don't forget to tune in to the next episode of the Compile Swift podcast for more insightful discussions and valuable advice.

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